Dyke Meadow Reservoir

Gloucester, MA
Sunny day for a 5.25m hike around Dykes Meadow and The Trustees of Reservation, or TTOR’s, Mt Ann Park. My mother used to take us up there to pick blueberries and look for turtles swimming in the reservoir every summer. Blueberries aren’t out yet but the bugs are.


5.25 Miles

Hike Time

1.5 Hours

Sunny day for a 5.25m hike around Dykes Meadow and The Trustees of Reservation, or TTOR’s, Mt Ann Park.

My mother used to take us up there to pick blueberries and look for turtles swimming in the reservoir every summer. Blueberries aren’t out yet but the bugs are.

Taking a quick break on our way up to the top of Mt. Ann.

I look tired and hot - that's because I was tired and hot. My hair doesn't do well in the humidity - and is that a bug or piece of bark up there?

The Dykes Meadow Reservation trail crosses over with the Mt. Ann Park trails.

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